Coreworx EDMS Connector
[ See full Coreworx Interface Management Software Solution ]
Major capital projects involve thousands of deliverables; including documents such as drawings, specifications, and datasheets, all of which are frequently revised. When these documents are associated with critical interface points and agreements between contractors, it is crucial that all parties have the correct document revisions and are alerted to changes. Using outdated revisions can lead to errors, misunderstandings, and project delays.
The Coreworx EDMS Connector makes it easy to integrate interfaces with documents in your controlled document repository, ensuring team members have access to the right versions of documents at all times.
Authorized users have the ability to search for and select controlled documents, creating links from interface points or interface agreements. The links are maintained throughout the lifecycle of the interface document. When new revisions of the controlled documents are available, Interface Connect alerts the interface stakeholders involved.
Why Use the Coreworx EDMS Connector?

Drive formal alignment
Mitigate risk
Improve visibility and awareness
Defend claims and disputes
Minimize integration effort
Coreworx EDMS Connector Capabilities
The Coreworx Interface Connect EDMS Connector provides the following benefits:
Drive Formal Alignment
- Ensure documents are shared quickly and efficiently between delivery teams
- Reduce time it takes to distribute documents
- Prevent contractors from having to chase down documents
- Ensure accurate relationship between engineering documents and interfaces
Mitigate Risk
- Reduce engineering rework and delays
- Minimize cost growth from change orders
- Reduce risks of working with incorrect document revisions
- Remove the need to use attachments to share controlled documents
Improve Visibility and Awareness
- Increase visibility on scopes of work between delivery teams
- Increase visibility on potential interface issues for stakeholders
- Identify when a new revision is available
Defend Claims and Disputes
- Maintain relationship to document revision throughout interface lifecycle
- Audit available to track revision at time of interface closure
Minimize Integration Effort
- Plug-and-play framework, making it easy to connect to your existing document management system
- Pre-configured connector to Proarc, Ascertra's industry-leading engineering document management system
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