It’s great to be part of the Interface Management Revolution
A recent customer engagement for a major energy player in Australia found Coreworx in the beautiful city of Brisbane tasked with two weeks of workshops, training, and senior management presentations.
We were rolling out Coreworx Interface Management to a new customer and had an excellent opportunity to meet and work with a wide spectrum of stakeholders, managers, engineers, and administrators onsite.
A quick implementation time frame was critical to the customer. With ambitious User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and production dates rapidly approaching, we had to hit the ground running from day one to quickly prove that Coreworx Interface Management could deliver this customer from the significant pain points they were experiencing with their earlier solutions.
By far, the most rewarding part of this implementation was observing the customer’s increasing engagement and enthusiasm as they began to encapsulate, participate, and then truly own the key benefits of Coreworx Interface Management: Common owner-operator and EPC interface points and agreements, robust interface process-driven workflows, an unambiguous ownership and accountability model, ease of use and adoption, history, security, and dashboard reporting all encased in a 24/7 online portal. Many attendees’ eyes would light up during the sessions – no doubt they were glad to say, “goodbye to dissimilar Excel-based interface documents lost on a shared drive,” and “hello to Coreworx Interface Management!” Experiencing the energy in the room and knowing that we were delivering a critical solution to enable our customer’s project success was exciting and rewarding.
On our final day in Brisbane, the senior stakeholder’s parting words to us were that he was truly happy with our successful results in a very compacted time frame and his only regret was he wished he knew about our Coreworx Interface Management solution earlier. He also mentioned a close associate at another energy firm who would be very interested in his advice to select Coreworx Interface Management at an earlier stage. With an ever-growing number of partnerships between owner/operators and EPCs in the energy and resource industry, wouldn’t it be great if we all spoke the same interface language?
Looking back on this trip to Australia it was great to be able to partner with our customers in their success and it’s great to be part of the interface management revolution.