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      Project Controls

      Project control and cost management software that provides complete control of project costs and drives better performance  

      Project Controls & Cost Management Software



        Project Controls & Cost
        Management Software

        Get complete control of project costs and drive better performance  


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        Mpower enterprise project controls and cost management software helps project-based organizations accurately control, measure, and predict project performance.


        Mpower software easily integrates with your ERP and preferred scheduling systems giving accurate and consistent data to every part of your project.

        Download Mpower Project Controls Brochure




        Why Use Mpower Project Controls & Cost Management Software?

            • Enable timely & granular time writing

          • Manage costs and optimize project spend

          • Ensure accurate & swift accounts payable and receivable

          • Improve visibility to make informed decisions

          • Measure and analyze budgets, actuals, and forecasts

          • Manage change requests and cost growth

        Mpower Cost and Performance Software

        Choose Your Mpower Solution

        One size doesn’t always fit all. Mpower is scalable and quick to deploy with modules that  fit your project needs. Each module, while integrated, can be deployed independently allowing the system to grow along with your business requirements and goals.


        Mpower Project Controls & Cost Management Software Features:

        Mpower Project Controls and Cost Management Software provides projects with advanced tools to help keep projects on budget and schedule across the project life cycle.

        Time Writing & LEMs


        Whether collecting timesheets for labour, equipment, or materials (often referred to collectively as LEMs), Mpower gives complete control with multiple validation and approval stages available.


        Actual hours data is available throughout your project hierarchy and easily integrated with third party systems such as Primavera, Payroll, and ERP. 



        Collect productive and non-productive hours as well as overtime (multiple overtime types).


        Timesheets can be entered by the individual or by a central timekeeper.


        Learn More:  Mpower Time Management

        Job Cards, Work Orders, CTRs, & AWP


        Estimate and define work scope using Mpower Project Planning and Estimating software.


        Job cards, work orders, engineering CTRs (Cost, Time, Resource), advanced work packing, and deliverable management are core applications that allow you to define your project in detail.


        Make use of norms and templates to bring consistency to estimates and close the feedback loop with time writing that allows for actual hours to be reviewed against estimated hours. This provides continuous improvement and refined estimates for future projects.



        Throughout Mpower, navigation links between dashboards, modules, and screens allows you to use the detail generated in planning to drive schedule and budgets.


        Learn More:  Mpower Project Planning & Estimating Software

        Invoices and Cost Management


        Create invoices and project valuations based on structured, multi-level rates for timesheets plus chargeable procurement items, fixed price, and periodic elements.


        Along with charge rates, Mpower also allows management of internal cost providing clear visibility of profitability across a project, work area, discipline, or any other metric you define.



        Learn More:  Mpower Commercial Management


        Define Budgets & Manage Change Orders


        Define budgets top down or bottom up using detail entered while planning and estimating.


        Maintain complete control of cost (internal), price (external revenue) and hours. All phased over time, with profiles available, or spread as defined by underlying schedule data.


        Variations and Change Orders allow review and approval of changes to scope and budget to be easily tracked and reported via original, current approved, value of work done, and forecast figures.




        Periodic actuals summarise to relevant budgets allowing remaining value to be re-forecast - providing visibility on cash flow projections across the life of the project.


        Learn More:  Mpower Cost & Budget Control

        Earned Value, Productivity, Schedule Compliance


        The tracking of earned value, productivity, schedule compliance, and best-in-class cost management practices are essential ingredients for successful project outcomes.


        Mpower provides the management of labour hours as well as cost and revenue profiles, live and baselined, progress by period and cumulative, timesheets, accruals, procurement, and sales invoices.





        All aligned using consistent coding and structures ensuring that you have all the required project productivity and performance information upon which an accurate forecast can be derived.


        Learn More:  Mpower Productivity &  Performance Management


        Supply Chain & Purchase Requisitions


        Manage supply chain from purchase requisitions through supplier quotes, purchase orders, goods receipts, and purchase invoices.


        See phased cost commitment levels, back charge relevant items to client, and even call off stock to work orders, job cards, and CTRs while planning and estimating.


        Learn More:  Mpower Project Procurement


        Ready to manage costs and optimize project spend?
        Speak to one of our project control experts to learn how you can get started.
        Request a Demo

        Why clients love Mpower

        "The fact that we have only three quarters of a day to get invoices out at a month end, for the whole of the company, and we do it with one group, sitting here, speaks volumes for the efficiency of the system. So there are huge benefits. There’s nothing else out there that works quite like Mpower. SAP is good at the finance side, but not the project controls side. Maximo just does one thing. In my opinion Mpower does the whole lot."

        --Project Services Manager with an international drilling engineering contractor