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Interface Connect

Interface management software that
keeps delivery teams aligned

Interface Management Software




    Document Management

    Engineering document management
    system (EDMS) and document control software

    Document Management Software





      Project Controls

      Project control and cost management software that provides complete control of project costs and drives better performance  

      Project Controls & Cost Management Software



        Information Management Resources

        Poor Communication Leads to Project Failure One Third of the Time

        A study conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) revealed that ineffective communication...

        What is Interface Verification for Capital Projects?

        It's well understood by owner-operators who fund the design and construction of major projects that...

        Celebrating Ascertra's 1st Anniversary

        This month is a great occasion for Ascertra as we proudly celebrate our first anniversary! It has...

        5 Interface Management Principles to Follow for Project Success

        Principles are the rules that guide our behavior. Project management principles provide a framework...

        Proarc EDMS 7.4 Release - Dashboards, Xrefs, and Bulk Updates

        Today we are proud to announce the release of Proarc EDMS 7.4. This release provides new tools that...

        Proarc and Coreworx Merge to Form Ascertra

        In 2018, Vela Software acquired Proarc EDMS software in Oslo, Norway, followed by Coreworx, the...

        Meet Interface Connect - Interface Management for Major Projects

        The interface management processes you trust - made easier and more efficient for all parties...

        Interface Management for Projects - Questions & Answers

        Recently, I presented alongside Michael Pappas of CII and Olivier Calas from McDermott...

        Webinar: IM & Project Restarts

        Re-aligning Interfaces to Revised Schedules Has your project been shut down? Planning for a rapid...

        Engineered Equipment Suppliers Leverage Coreworx Solutions

        In addition to EPCs and owners reaping the benefits of Ascertra project information management...

        Interface Management Case Study: Delayed Project Finishes on Time

        Video recording and complete Q&A transcript from our case study webinar: Interface Management Helps...

        Key Interface Management Features for Contractors Q&A

        Sara Simpson, Process Engineer and Engineering Manager at AECOM, was our guest industry expert...

        Interface Management for Owners, Contractors, PMTs – Webinars

        The Coreworx Interface Management solution offers many features and functions to help solve...

        Common Causes of Cost Overruns on Offshore Projects

        The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) reviewed five field developments taking place on the...

        RFIs versus Interface Management for Megaprojects

        In the mega project management world, RFI typically refers to the process whereby project...