Proarc 7.4 FP1: Dashboards, Comment Handling & More
Today, we're happy to announce the release of Proarc 7.4 Feature Pack 1. This release provides new capabilities and options that will help users gain insights, boost productivity, and unlock further value from their Proarc EDMS solution. Highlights of this feature pack include:
- Extended dashboard widgets
- Improved comment handling for external participants
- Enhanced user documentation
- Workflow updates and more!
Extended Dashboard Widgets
As of this release, two new types of dashboard widgets related to workflows are available. These new dashboard widgets provide team members with easy access to summary reports related to workflow activities. Once enabled on the Proarc dashboard, users can view a summary of workflow status information at a glance and then drill down into underlying details directly from the dashboard. New dashboard widgets include the Workflow Activity Status Widget and the Workflow Information Widget.
Figure 1: Workflow-Related Dashboard Widgets
Workflow Activity Status Dashboard Widget:
This new dashboard widget summarizes workflow activity information by status:
- Overdue
- Active - Not Overdue
- Not Started
This report can be further filtered by sender and recipient.
Workflow Information Dashboard Widget:
This dashboard widget shows a list of workflow activities corresponding to the last segment a user selected in the Workflow Activity Status dashboard widget.
For more information about Proarc's configurable dashboard, read our Proarc EDMS 7.4 release post.
The following enhancements were made to Proarc ProView in 7.4 FP1:
- Configure which file types should be viewed in ProView or external viewers and applications
- View password-protected PDF files in ProView (ProView will prompt users for the password)
Comment Handling for External Users
Multiple enhancements have been developed to improve comment handling for external users. Enhancement highlights include:
- For imported PDFs, imported comments maintain the original author for annotations. When these comments are shown in Proarc, the user will be marked as 'external' next to their name.
- Imported comments can be mapped to existing Proarc users and external comments can be configured to be included or excluded automatically from the Proarc comments list (but still visible in ProView or external PDF viewer).
- All PDF elements that exist in the PDF file are maintained when importing the file. The user that checks out the file is now trusted by Proarc resulting in all elements added to the PDF being imported on check-in.
- Downloaded PDF files now also include the comments added in Proarc.
Enhanced User Help
Proarc Help has been enhanced by landing pages, which appear by default when you open the Help from both the Web app and Desktop app. The landing pages provide quick links to help users access information faster.
Figure 2: Proarc Help Landing Pages
Proarc help is broken down into the following landing pages:
- Documentation - The Documentation section includes help information and guides for end users and administrators.
- Developer - The Developer section includes instructions and resources for programmatically invoking operations in Proarc EDMS from another system via the Proarc APIs. This information includes links to API documentation, packages, search query code samples, and other resources.
- Release - The Release section includes easy access to historical release documentation so users can see what has changed with each release.
More Information
In addition to the items above, Proarc 7.4 Feature Pack 1 includes numerous other enhancements and new developments. For a full list of features in this release, please send us a request for the full release notes.