Document Management Software for Projects and Operations
Document management software supports effective document control. Effective document control, including control of complex engineering documents, is essential to ensuring safety and quality are achieved across all phases of a capital asset's life cycle. From the design and construction of capital projects to revamping existing facilities and into asset operations, knowing team members are working from correct documents at all times is a must. This article identifies some of the challenges associated with managing engineering documents and the 7 Steps of Document Control that help teams overcome these challenges.
However, it can be tricky trying to control the document management system on your own when multiple people and jobs are involved.
3 Challenges in Managing Engineering Documents
As an EDMS system provider, we’ve observed 3 trends that consistently pose a challenge for managing engineering documents:
- Quality requirements for information are getting stricter
- Volume and variety of information have grown significantly
- Supply chain collaboration is increasingly fluid with partners dispersed globally
Now, consider these trends against a user expectation that is off the charts based on Smart Phone service performance and usability.
As well, the complexity of technical documentation, the number of engineering documents involved in a major project, and security requirements create potential technology adoption challenges for any vendor tasked with control in a changing and dynamic environment.
The need for an EDMS system that effectively, efficiently, and smoothly allows collaboration of important documentation is imperative. This is why knowing your document management system uses the 7 Steps of Document Control is crucial.
Look for these attributes in a document management system to ensure an effective document control process.
The 7 Steps of Document Control:
- Organize: documentation coding and metadata to industry or client standards
- Plan: documentation deliveries, milestones, and due dates with responsibilities for projects
- Execute: unified review and approval processes, adaptable to specific client demands
- Collaborate: less email and more control with external users
- Track: document progress and performance using visual analytics
- Deliver: package content sent easily to your client on schedule
- Audit: be ready with who sent what to whom and when
Discover more information about the Proarc EDMS
If you are in the process of looking for a document management system, Proarc Online addresses the most pressing problems in the industry when it comes to managing engineering documentation and collaboration.
Learn how Proarc helps you gain control of your document management system.